World Bank التطبيقات

World Bank Jobs DataFinder 3.2
World Bank
The Jobs DataFinder 3.0 is an app providingeasy access to global development indicators on employment, humancapital and skills, labor market institutions and the businessenvironment. Its collection of development indicators is compiledfrom officially-recognized international sources and represents themost recent and accurate data on these topics. The data is sharedthrough the World Bank’s Open Data Initiative and is supported bythe Jobs Knowledge Platform ( app features include a quick access to the indicators – bytheme or by country. The Advanced Query feature allows forcustomized displays of the data. App users can view data in tables,charts or maps, and share them through Email, Twitter andFacebook.The App is available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese;select the desired language in your device’s Settings.
LAC Poverty DataFinder 1.01
World Bank
The World Bank's LAC Poverty DataFinder givesyou access to the latest indicators and reports about poverty,shared prosperity and equity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Itis a companion app to the LAC Equity Lab, a knowledge sharingplatform created by the LAC Team for Statistical Development(LACTSD) of the Poverty Global Practice. The indicators used inthis app are largely sourced from the SEDLAC database, a regionalhousehold survey harmonization effort led by the LACTSD and CEDLASat the National University of La Plata in Argentina. This databaseis used to create indicators comparable over time and acrosscountries in the region. As a result of the harmonization process,the indicators are not comparable to official statistics.
Spatial Agent 1.0
World Bank
This innovative App has been developed by theWorld Bank to improve awareness of the growing collection of globalpublic-domain datasets useful for those interested in developmentissues. It helps access and visualize multi-sectoral spatial andtemporal data from a range of institutions by drawing upon theirmap and data services. An amazing array of information puts theworld in your hands!Solutions to many of the existing and evolving developmentchallenges faced across the globe are hampered by the pooravailability of critical spatial and temporal data. There are manynew high-quality datasets (e.g. from earth observation andsystematic collation and analysis of national data) available froma number of institutions (e.g. UN agencies, NASA, NOAA, CIESIN,IRI, The World Bank, etc.) that still are little-known especiallyin the developing world. The World Bank has committed to improvingdata transparency and open data platforms, including the enhanceduse of mobile App platforms for promoting sustainable developmentthat have benefitted from a series of World Bank Apps and Appcompetitions organized by the World Bank.The “Spatial Agent” Mobile App has been developed to takeadvantage of new capabilities to visualize this growing range ofspatial and temporal development-related data on mobile platforms.The App demonstrates a simple but extremely powerful approach tovisualize a range of public-domain spatial datasets throughinteractive maps and charts to allow for data visualization atdifferent scales and ranges. The approach literally puts the globein the users hands and allows one to access a burgeoning group ofpublic-domain multi-sectoral datasets (including at global,regional, and national levels) being developed for use by variousdevelopment-related institutions and governments across the world.So whether you are interested in water resources or climate change,disaster management or general development, this is a must-have Appfor you! The simplicity of use and wealth of information is sure toappeal to you – whether you are a student, developmentprofessional, or a Minister!All the questions that enquiring minds want to know are now at yourfingertips:Which areas in the Middle-East have experienced rain in the last 3hours? What does the global snow cover look like today? What is thepopulation distribution in the Sahel? How have humans changed thelandscape globally since 1700? What is the seasonal andyear-to-year precipitation pattern in Entebbe? Which areas in theCaspian Sea have high chlorophyll concentration? What is thedifference in the climate model projections for rainfall in thenext century across models? Which areas are susceptible toearthquakes in Chile? Which areas in India have high childmalnutrition? Which areas in Madagascar are susceptible topotential flooding? Where are the protected areas in Tanzania? Howdoes Vietnam's GDP per capita growth compare with that of Ethiopiain recent years? What is the current level of the Aswan reservoirand Lake Victoria? How fast is the population in Lagos rising? Howdo the Niger Basin countries compare in terms of the % women intheir parliaments? Which areas of eastern Asia have recentlyexperienced Category 5 tropical cyclones? The list isendless…We do hope you like this first release of this product - please douse the information with caution as many datasets are stillevolving. Please do send us your suggestions for improvement, andespecially new public-domain data services or functionality thatyou would like us to feature!
ICP DataFinder 1.0.1
World Bank
You can have the data on theInternationalComparison Program (ICP) data for more than 200countries andeconomies at your fingertips. Visualize nominal andreal values incharts and maps, explore the indicators in tables,and share themthrough e-mail and social media. The App and the dataarefree!
Pick Remit Beta 1.1.7
World Bank
Pick Remit Beta is an app developed bytheWorld Bank to help migrants make the best choice of serviceswhensending money back home to their families. Try the latestfeaturesand give us feedback as we work to get more remittanceserviceproviders for you. You might find a few issues as we keepimprovingthe app for you. Pick Remit Beta helps you pick theinternationalmoney transfer service that best fits your needs. Youchoose howmuch money you would like to send and the destinationcountry andPick Remit Beta tells you what are the options availablein yourarea, the fee and exchange rate applied, and conditions ofeachservice. Pick Remit Beta has been developed for migrantworkerssending money to support their families and friends backhome.By choosing the most convenience service, migrants can saveandkeep more money into their pockets or just send a littlemore.Pick Remit Beta is part of Project Greenback, which aimsatincreasing efficiency in the market for remittance.Features include filtering and sorting data by:Service costTransfer speedType of service providerHow transaction is paid forHow money is disbursedA map walks you right to the nearest location for yourpreferredservice.You can also share offers with your contacts and savefavoriteproducts and service providers.Pick Remit Beta is available in English, French, Spanish,andItalian!
World Bank DataFinder 4.3.datafinder
World Bank
The World Development Indicators(WDI)DataFinder is an app for accessing data on globaldevelopmentindicators from The World Bank Group. This multilingualapp givesaccess to national, regional and global estimates,compiled fromofficially recognized international sources, on topicssuch as:World View, People, Environment, Economy, States andMarkets, andGlobal Links. Features include quick access to selectedsubsets ofmajor indicators, with the ability to view tables, chartsand mapsand share them through email and social media.
Poverty&Inequality DataFinder 3.1
World Bank
The World Bank’s Poverty &InequalityDataFinder provides quick access to the latest povertyandinequality indicators for more than 120 developingcountries.Visualize trends in charts and maps, explore theindicators intables, and share them with friends and colleaguesthrough e-mailand social media. The Poverty DataFinder will be ofuse tostudents, professors, researchers, development practitioners,andanyone looking to learn more about poverty and inequality inthedeveloping world.
HealthStats DataFinder 3.3
World Bank
The World Bank HealthStats DataFindercontainsthe most current Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP)data forover 250 indicators and more than 200 countries andregional/incomegroups. The app gives users mobile access to theWorld Bank’s HNPstatistics database, which includes topics such ashealthfinancing, HIV/AIDS, immunization, infectious diseases,medicalresources and usage, nutrition, population dynamics,reproductivehealth, cause of death, non-communicable diseases,water andsanitation, with background information in poverty, laborforce,economy and education.App users can access HNP data by country, topic, orindicator,and view the resulting data in tables, charts or mapsthat can beeasily shared through email, Facebook and Twitter.The HealthStats DataFinder will be of use toresearchers,policymakers, professors, economists, students andanyone lookingto learn more about HNP indicators and trends.
AMWeb (WB/IMF Spring Meetings) 1.0.1
World Bank
This app is designed specifically forattendees of the WBG/IMF Spring Meetings and allows you to accessthe latest schedule information, manage a personal schedule, andprovide feedback on events. The AMWeb tool offers comprehensiveinformation including:• AGENDA – A live schedule feed with up-to-date information forWorld Bank and ministerial events.• MAPS – Navigate easily between meetings by accessing venue mapsdirectly from the schedule.• SPEAKERS – View details on speakers, panelists, and moderators aswell as event-related documents and promotional materials.• FEEDBACK – Participate in surveys and evaluations for timelyinput to event organizers and speakers.• ANNOUNCEMENTS – Stay connected with real-time announcements andpush notifications.The 2017 Spring Meetings, seminars, and related events are held inWashington, DC from April 17-23. The Meetings are attended bydelegates and government officials from member countries,representatives from observer organizations and civil society,journalists and members of the press, as well as guests fromprivate sector and academia.For more information:
WBG Learning 1.0.20170303
World Bank
The World Bank’s platform for online learning in internationaldevelopment.   Learn about international development throughonline courses, on-demand resources, and communities of practice.Find solutions for pressing challenges across many aspects ofinternational development, including climate change, access tofinance, governance, international trade, public health, andeducation. Whether you are a policy maker, practitioner, or justwant to know more, the OLC has something for you.   Learn withbite-sized, on-demand resources:•         Stream videotalks from subject matter experts discussing their field•         Read knowledgenotes on lessons learned from World Bank projects, the latestresearch on international development, and case studies thatillustrate pressing challenges and promising solutions•         Listen topodcasts that break down trends, issues, and recent developments•         Explore thedevelopment data through infographics and data visualizations  Participate in online classes with other developmentprofessionals: •        Enroll in online courses facilitated by subject matter experts andattended by development professionals from around the world•         Enroll inself-paced online courses that you can complete on your ownschedule •         Enrollin massive open online courses (MOOCs)   Engage withcommunities of practice to crowd-source solutions to yourquestions: •         Browsethe World Bank’s public-facing communities of practice based onthematic areas •        Join communities of practice in your areas of interest to engage inongoing conversations around the latest challenges and solutions•         Ask and answerquestions to find new solutions and share your own experience
WBG Open Learning Campus VR 0.5
World Bank
Experience interactive learning with the most pressing globalchallenges.
World Bank MacroStats to Go 1.1
World Bank
WB MacroStats to Go is an app that provides a combinationofinnovation, simplicity and portability which truly makeseconomicinformation available at your fingertips. The app drawsfrom theBank Group’s Open Data initiative and has beenspecificallydesigned for mobile platforms (iPhone, iPad, Androiddevices) topresent macroeconomic information in a new way. Itfeatures avisual and dynamic representation of the data you need.The apppresents all the key macroeconomic indicators (ranging fromgrossdomestic product structure to fiscal, balance of paymentsorpoverty data) to provide users with the ability to quicklyanalyze,categorize, compare, and track any country in the world.There arefour distinguished features that add value to the WorldBank’scurrent product portfolio: • WB MacroStats combines dataaccess onthe go with an appealing visual analysis. The app wasexclusivelydesigned for mobile platforms, and it features dynamicbubblecharts and customizable tables that can be easily exported bytheuser. • WB MacroStats uses a simple algorithm with twocustomizablecriteria (per default, GDP per capita and population)andadjustable weights that allows for the automatic selection ofpeercountries. • The app is automatically populated with thelatestdata available by connecting to the World DevelopmentIndicatorsAPI. Once the data is loaded to the app, no internetconnection isneeded. • In addition, the app provides the user withup-to-dateWorld Bank projections for key economic variables such asGDPgrowth and Current Account Deficits.
Survey Solutions Tester 23.06.1 (build 27868) with Maps
World Bank
Test how your questionnaire appears and behaves on a tablet
World Bank Project Procurement 2.0.14
World Bank
Information on all major prior-reviewed contracts awarded in WorldBank.